Interactive tree of Walter Clarke

Walter Clarke 16401714
Content Greenman
Hannah Scott
Freeborn Williams
Sarah Prior
Jeremiah Clarke 16051652
Frances Latham 16091677
William Clerke 15611610
Mary Weston 15791614
Mary Weston 15791614
James Clerke 15401614
Mary Saxby
George Clerke 15101558
Elizabeth Wilsforde 15171540
Edward Baron of the Exchequer Saxby
Elizabeth Woodliff
Jerome Weston 15501603
Mary Cave 1556
Jerome Weston 15501603
Mary Cave 1556
Lewis Latham
Richard Scott 16071679
Katherine Marbury 16101687
Francis Marbury 15551611
Elizabeth Moore
Bridget Dryden
William Marbury
Agnes Lenton
John Dryden
Elizabeth Cope