Walter Gualtherus Newbery, 16481697 (aged 49 years)

Walter Gualtherus /Newbery/
Name suffix
Birth of a brother
Death of a paternal grandmother
Death of a mother
Death of a father
Birth of a son
Assistant / Deputy Governor
Marriage of a son
1697 (aged 49 years)
Family with parents
Birth: June 12, 1608 13 -3 Waltham St Lawrence, Berkshire, England
Death: October 25, 1660Brightwell, Derbes, Berkshire
Birth: October 23, 1621St Margarets, Westminster, London
Death: before 1656
Marriage Marriage
"Newberry Immigrant Walter Newbury 1640-1697 and John Newberry 1715-1770 Cumberland County NC", pg 23
Birth: 1648 39 26 West Ilsley Parish, County Berkshire, England
Title: Sr.
Death: 1697Rhode Island
6 years
younger brother
Family with Ann Collins
"Newberry Immigrant Walter Newbury 1640-1697 and John Newberry 1715-1770 Cumberland County NC", pg 23
Birth: 1648 39 26 West Ilsley Parish, County Berkshire, England
Title: Sr.
Death: 1697Rhode Island
Birth: 1645 London, England
Death: 1732Rhode Island
Marriage Marriage1666England
3 years
Birth: 1668 20 23 Newport County, Rhode Island
Death: April 22, 1717Mount Laurel, New Jersey, USA


Parish registers, 1558-1919 Church of England, Parish Church of West Ilsley, Berkshire.

4 April Born: West Ilsley Parish, County Berkshire, England GUALTHERUS NEWBERV[Walter]
Christened: 04 APR 1648, Father: HUMFREDI NEWBERY, Mother: SARAE
[Parish registers, 1558-1919 Church of England, Parish Church of West Ilsley, Berkshire.]
1660 - Berkshire, England - Mentioned in his fathers will, "I give and bequeath to be equally divided amongst the seven children which were borne unto me by my first Wife Humphry, Henry, Walter, Nathaniell, Benjamin,
Francis and Sarah, which shall be layd out by my Executors upon their virtuous . . . •
[Originall will,Prob 11/303/490]
1666-1672 - Specu]atii;e dates of immigration from London, England to Newport, Rhode Island based on extant records. [no immigration records ha found to oonfinn this]
~-Possible marriage date to either Anne Collins or a ist marriage to Unknown. 0 belie--e this date is for a
possible ist marriage to an unknown bride) [no proof of this marriage date has been found as ret]
'.l.hllllJl:74 - First mention of his residence in Newport, Rhode Island He (being called of London, merchant,
residing in Newport), bought of William Richardson, mariner, master of ketch "Mayflower", now in the road of New
York, a dwelling house in Newport, nawin possession of Amey Paine, \idO'I'·, tenant of William RichardsoIL His \ifeas
also of London, as declared by the Friends' records. [p. 137, The Genea/ogioo.1 Dictionary of Rh.ode Island, By John
Osborne Austin; Genealogioo.1 Pllblishing Company, 2009]
~ - Rl!corded wedding date to Anne Collin.s. Thomas difton signed the certificate at the Walter
Newbeny/Ann Collins wedding on 13 April 1675- Thomas Oifton became a Quaker at Rehoboth MA before he l!IO'l--ed to
Newport,an~ bonght Jaod atMoororuJth N,Jjp 16§'.z. [ Salter, History of Monmouth and
Ocean Counties, 18<)o.]
~~y~ - Admitted as a Freeman oftheColonyofRhode Island. [The Walter Newblll)'Shipping Book, by Bruai
W~ - ..,'est Jersey• areas are settled, including Salem, Burlington and present-day Camden Co. The
settlement of West Jersey on the Delaware Rhw was initially a QUAKER 'enture, and was associated l'.ith William
Penn and others in,-oh-ed in theoolollu.a.tion of Pennsylvania. [Records of the East and West Jersey Proprietors.
http://w. ..~ ·.nj.go..-/ state/ archives/pdf/ proprietors.pdf]
39 Drs.emhrr 1681 - Bought land in West Jersey. Land Deed: Thomas Budd of Burlington, mermaDt, to Arthur
Cooke, Walter Clarke and Walter Newbeny, all of Rhode Island, merdiants, for 1/3 of a share.of the Province. [p.
525: West Jer-sey Records, Liber B. Part i.]
1&1~ - (Return of SUl""e:)'] for Samuel Jenings, of 36 a., "part 1•;hereofbo't of Walter Newbury, adjoining his
O'l''Il, between Arthur Cooke and Wm. El'llllS." [p. 352: West Jersey Rerords, Libu B. Part 2.]
12Ba~ (possibly until 16¢) - Hesen-ed intermittently as DeputyGo,.-emor and/or Assistant Governor of Rhode
Island (infonnation from researeher Ste..-en Earl Newberry- uncited souree (2) also from Thegene.i.logka] dictionary of
Rhode Island: oomprising three generations of settlers who came before 169o (With many families carried to the fourth
generation); By John Osborne Austin; Genealogical Publishing Com, 2009]
22. December 1686 - 30 December 1689 Appointed a member of the CollllCll of Sir Edmund AndrOli in Boston,
Massadlusetts. [Records of the Colony of Rhode Island and Prmidence Plantations ... , Volume 2, page 219]
~ - Appointed Assistant to theGo,.-emor of Rhode Island. Ontermittentlyl'.ithin these dates) [Records of the
Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations ... , Volume 2, pages 186-187, 312]
~ - Pureh.ased land in West Jersey. sl69(! 6th d. 4th month (JW'l.e). to Walter Newberry of 1,o66 acres
adjoining Noe/Mew.• (p. 682: GWUCFSfER. DEEDS.]
~9,1- Owned land in West Jersey containing at least So acres. "1694 Jth m. (Sept.) for HlmT!/ Morley,
of 200a. on a branch of AnOOCU$ Creek and a run emptying into it; of 50a. adjoining Walter Newberry.• [p.
372: West Jersey Records, Liber B. Part 2]
g_-z.,l___ulx.a95- Lh-ed in Newport, Rhode Island but O'l''I!edland in West Jersey, part of which was located in
Burlington. ~'alter Newberry of Newport, RJ., merchant, to Arthur Cook of Phi1ade/phia, merch.cmt,for acres
in IVJ., of which 112-1/2 a. are in Burlington town bounds, bov.ght of ~<liter C1ark of Newport May 8, 1689.• [p. 525;
West Jersey Reoords, Uber B. Port 2]
Historic Building Survey of Jacob Evans House Land of Walter Newberry (exc:erpt) Search.of the title to
this property back through successr.-eO\'I!ers as recorded in the County and Pro-.ince pro-.ides the folkming authentic


  1. Patents and deeds and other eorly records of New Jersey, 1664-1703 By William Nelson (originally published as
    Archi,1!5 of the State of New Jersey, First Series, Volume XXI; published in 1899]
    2 . Documents Relating to the Colonial Reoolutionary and Post-Reoolutionary history of the State of New Jersey (188o;) By New Jersey Historical Society, 1924
  2. New Jersey Colonial Documents
  3. The Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island
  4. West Jersey R£cords, Liber B. Part~
  6. British Archives

Vol. 07: Friends and Ministers: Births, Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths

Newberry, Walter, to Ann Collins, late of London. April 13, 1675

Media object
&quot;Newberry Immigrant Walter Newbury 1640-1697 and John Newberry 1715-1770 Cumberland County NC&quot;, pg 23
"Newberry Immigrant Walter Newbury 1640-1697 and John Newberry 1715-1770 Cumberland County NC", pg 23
Note: "Newberry Immigrant Walter Newbury 1640-1697 and John Newberry 1715-1770 Cumberland County NC", pg 23
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Note: U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s

U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s


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Note: A decade later [1672] Walter Newberry's shipping book shows the movements of vessels in which he was interested. The first item is an account of the "Johanna and Sarah" in 1673, a square rigger.
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Note: 1896-newport-mercury-newspaper-walter-newberry-assistant-governor.jpg
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